What is Closed Loop USA and how does it work?

Closed Loop USA is a one-plus-three transfer program.

  • Students complete their first year enrolled in Arden University’s Global Freshman Certificate (GFC) program.

  • Upon completion, students transfer to a participating Closed Loop USA university.

Arden University

ISP Eduworld’s innovative Closed Loop Recruitment (CLR) enrolls students in its GFC program at Arden University, the UK’s leading online higher education institution, with more than 17,000 students in 174 countries.

Qualified Students

The GFC creates a global pool of qualified students: Once students complete their freshman year at Arden and receive their certificate, they will enroll in one of the 150—and only 150—Closed Loop member universities.

Closed Loop USA Member Universities

Through an exclusive partnership with ISP, Closed Loop USA will build and manage a network of 60 universities in the U.S. beginning with an initial group of 20 in 2023.